Chris's PriUPSChris Swinney, MD, a cardiac anesthesiologist, started working on his system last year, and sent me these photos in May of 2007. Chris tried the eBay route but had a disappointment. The UPS he bought didn't work, and he turned to a professional UPS refurbisher. He lives in Ocala, Florida, so it looks like he's finished his system just in time for an early hurricane season! "OK, got a 10 KVA Liebert UPStation S for just under 3K delivered. (Refurbisher was all out of 12 KVA.) Equivocal results with starting the central A/C, but it runs everything else with ease. The "extended battery connector" is VERY similar to the "matching pair" connectors we both used on the car end of the connection. I salvaged the one from the smoked UPStation and used it on the other end of the cable. The thing near the UPS end (with the multi-color connector) that looks like a float buoy is an insulating case around the isolation diodes. The diodes I found for cheap were "stud mount" type, which means a "live" heat sink, and the best compromise I could strike between insulation and ventilation (it shouldn't need much--I used a pair of 40A diodes to keep the forward voltage drop low) was a pair of 3" PVC pipe caps perforated with 3/8" vent holes and joined over a short stub of pipe. I also thought you might like to add another option for UPS sourcing. I know my experience may not be representative, but after the eBay "smoke bomb," I found these guys to be very helpful and knowledgeable: PEI (Power and Environment International) Although (understandably) geared toward commercial and industrial customers, they were EXTREMELY patient, considerate, and spent quite a bit of time (mostly looking over your site) trying to understand what the heck I was trying to do and to do their best to deliver an item that would suit this offbeat use. Here's a follow-up from Chris a couple of days later, which put me in the odd position of arguing as Devil's Advocate. Chris suggested offering a "virtual kit" with a parts list and sources for the components and equipment needed to make the system instead of ad hoc eBay purchases. My response, and his paean to the PriUPS follow. He's right, of course. I was simply parroting comments I had seen others make. From: Richard Factor Certainly having a "virtual kit" is a great idea,
New 12 May 2007 |