How to Bananafy The Bun
I was reading an article that explained how you could
find out how to do things. No, I didn't read it in Redundant
Times, it was a genuine article explaining web resources, and one of
them was the "wikiHow." This
is similar to the essential Wikipedia,
but it has innumerable articles about performing various tasks, some
modestly complicated, others almost
beyond imagination.
After checking out the site, I realized that a complete re-write of
my blogitem about
making tea
with lemon would make it eligible for entry. The problem with
this is that it would require a complete re-write of my blogitem, and
they already have articles on making tea. Accordingly, I selected
a different topic. If this comes out well, perhaps I'll submit it
to the wikiHow.
1. |
Locate the fruit bowl and select a #2 banana. |
2. |
Initially place the #2 banana on a flat surface in
preparation for "peeling." A kitchen counter can be used
for this purpose. |
3. |
Begin the "peeling" process by gripping the banana in one
manipulative appendage and the stem portion with another.
Try to exert force immediately adjacent to the stem entry point,
as this will often allow a clean separation. |
4. |
Once the peeling process has been initiated, it will be
easier to remove the remainder of the peel. Depending on
the number of candidate consumers, the peel can be retracted by
an inch or so for a single bun or fully retracted if concomitant human consumption is
intended. |
5. |
Break off a suitable aliquot for the bun. There is no
precise formula for this operation, but I have found that 1 to 2
inches seem appropriate. |
6. |
Walk along the floor to the bunny barn. Be sure to
fetch the selected banana fraction with you! |
7. |
Place banana fraction in reach of bun. |
8. |
Observe as bun consumes banana. |
9. |
Bun is now prepared for day's activities of chewing
magazines. |
- It is possible to use a #1 banana or even a #3 banana if a #2 is
unavailable. The length of the banana fraction given to the
bun can be modified so that the quantity of banana substance doesn't
vary significantly.
- Bananas can go defective or, in rare cases, may require a delay in
consumption. Be sure the banana is neither over- nor under- "ripe."
- Bananas are relatively rich in the element potassium, one of
whose isotopes is radioactive. If your bun glows in the dark for
no apparent reason, you may be committing overbananafication and need to
skip a few days.
- If the banana is defective and the bun is showing signs of distress
after consumption, take her to the hopital as soon as possible.