Thoughtex Part II
I didn't expect to do a Part II about yesterday's blog, but thousands of millireaders weighed in on this one.
OF COURSE it will have GPS "geotagging." The
needs that for evidentiary purposes.
OF COURSE there are privacy issues involved.
Perhaps the watch will need a third "Pause" button, with a conspicuously
blinking light on the glasses to indicate they aren't recording.
But who will believe it?
YES, it will work at night. A tiny infrared LED
can flash for each picture. It won't give much range, but then it
is night, so you can't see that far, either.
YES, it can take 3D pictures. Just have two cameras,
one on each side of the frame. I'll leave this to the marketers to
decide whether it's valuable.
Don't worry about the battery. Unlike a cellphone,
which you might forget to plug in, you will remember to take off your
glasses when you go to sleep! You just have to put them in the right
place, a routine easily learned.
The eyeglass recorder will interface with the "tray" either
inductively or by a very short range radio interface. It already has a
receiver for the watch buttons. No great sophistication will be required
since it will have plenty of time to transfer the data over only a tiny
distance. USB would be another possibility.
Once the data is on the Terabyte drive, it can be transferred by
USB to any PC for review or, at least in part, by a memory card.
An interesting ancillary application: Since it has stereo
microphones, they can be amplified and fed to ear buds. Instant hearing
Which, of course, can also be used for MP3 playback. Yes,
I know that MP3 shades are already being made.
The Eyeglass Racket
I did not grow up needing eyeglasses, and bought my first pair
in my early forties. I went to a shop in a mall, had an eye exam, and was
told to pick a frame. Being inexperienced in this activity, I assumed that
I would point to a frame, pay the extra $10, and go home with the glasses.
I was a fool. Do you know what eyeglass frames cost? Hundreds of
dollars! Do you know why? It's at least possible that the people who
figured out how to charge for text messages cut their teeth on eyeglass frames,
to mix some facial features. But there are no bounds to avarice, and it may
be that the frame guys came up with their scam independently. Scam?
'Splain to me how you can buy a pair of non-prescription reading glasses at the
drug store for under $5, but have to pay hundreds for a frame to hold
prescription lenses? Fashion? Customization? Or greed?
I don't know and I don't really care, although I'm still stunned
every time I buy glasses. The point, however, is this: The "frames"
for the eyeglass recorder with the Crimebutton can almost certainly be
mass-produced for less than ordinary eyeglass frames normally cost at the
optician. Think about it this way: You can "buy" a cellphone for
free; sometimes they even pay you! Of course that's because they're
subsidized by the carrier, but there are still cheap cellphones with cameras,
and of course they all have microphones and batteries. The recorder is, in
essence, a cellphone without the 'phone. A big improvement in many
ways! And, of course, cheaper to build by far.
Keeping Our Ever-Growing Molars Out of This Problem
It seems that Sudanese officials said foreign warplanes launched two
separate airstrikes last month on Sudan near its border with Egypt.
Of course Israel was suspected, and, equally of course, Israel neither
confirmed nor denied responsibility. The rest of the article doesn't
state whether the U.S. was accused of being complicit, but, even so, we
have "denied any involement." |
The Spelling Bee Law
This story by Mary Blanusa appeared in a local New Jersey paper.
When I say "local" I mean "very local." It covers the town where I
strive and a few surrounding ones. If you want to read about fire
department training exercises, births, and, of course, spelling bee
winners, this is the reference. As you can see, Lauren Sembrano
placed second in the NJSFWCJM State Spelling Bee. This is also the
kind of local paper whose readers might actually know what the NJSFWCM
actually is. I don't know either Ms. Blanusa or Ms. Sembrano, but I am
here to tell you that the former broke a critical Rule of Journalism.
That is: Whenever you write about a spelling bee, you are required
by law to give the word that the contestant missed, how she spelled it,
and how it should be spelled. Otherwise, what is the point?
Perhaps society is also to blame, but Ms. Blanusa is the one who will
suffer, at least by blog, for her failure to comply with this critical
dictum. |
"Farmer's Night Out"
Feathermerchants |
I picked this one up in Berlin right after the
fall of the Wall. It's a copy of the famous sign "You are
leaving the American Sector" in four languages. Less well
known is the other side of the sign: When East German
soldiers were visiting West Berlin, they were reminded how much
trouble they could get in if they carried their weapons. The quality of
this T-shirt is really poor. I probably bought it in
ex-East Berlin. |