Another Another Trade Show Review?
No, This Time It's NOT NAMM: The National Association of Music Merchants 2022 Show
Which is not to say that there was no NAMM, I just didn't go, for what would have been the third year in a row if there were three NAMMs to which to go. There weren't, of course, thanks to Covid. I try to attend NAMM on alternate years because it's right after CES, and NAMM in Anaheim is another long drive. I did attend in 2019, and so skipped it in 2020. It skipped me in 2021 and did not return to it's usual January haunt in 2022, either. It was finally and successfully scheduled for June 2022, and I fully intended to attend. Sadly, I had an
Attack of adulthood.
Q: You, Richard, the perpetrator of the RIKLblog, had an attack of adulthood?
A: Yes, I did.
Q: 'Splain!
A: 'K! The week before NAMM we had dinner with some friends who shortly thereafter notified us that they had both contracted Covid. Although I was asymptomatic, my schedule included stopping before NAMM to visit a buddy who was with some combination of delicate health and concern about contagion. It wouldn't have been right to subject him to myself, a walking potential disease bomb. Then, after attending NAMM, I was planning to travel to my place of striving in New Jersey, which would have been unpleasant for all concerned if I became defective from the aforementioned exposure. Given all the driving and all the potential issues, to others and to myself, I made the "adult decision" to forgo the trip to NAMM. In retrospect, it was also wrong. I did not get Covid <Foreshadow>at that time</Foreshadow> during NAMM, which I sadly missed, and my trip to NJ eventuated as I had planned,
I knew it was an "adult decision" because two separate people told me so, one using exactly that phrase. I'm not a plague wuss myself, and I suppose I must take consolation from my brief excursion into grown-up-land.
Hopefully next year...
So, Nothing About NAMM Itself?
Precious little. Just a few photos.
We introduced a new product called "Misha".
Misha is quite the departure for us. It's not an effects device, it's a musical instrument.
But it's not exactly the kind you know how to play or how to work.
In fact, I don't know all that much about it myself, being neither musician, Eurorack expert, nor music-theory dude. It's very different, and until I get a chance to play with one at the mother ship, all I can share about it is my ignorance.
I've heard a lot of serious musicians are interested, and it's remarkably pretty, too. Probably worth reading the web link or watching the video if you're curious!
Last year, 2021, was officially our 50th anniversary year.
Thanks, plague. Not a single live event at which to celebrate.
Sigh. |
Of course there's a missing Richard in this photo, and not because I was taking the picture, either.
On the other hand, those present were safe, at least from me. A good trade-off. |