The New Ford
Right before the automobile industry collapsed and was
resurrected by the taxpayers, I bought a Ford. In particular, a
Ford Escape Hybrid, which I have the pleasure of still owning.
The Escape is a small SUV of the hybrid persuasion. Although less
economical than my Prius "daily driver," it serves a number of critical
purposes out here in the Land that Has Winter. The most important:
Four wheel drive. Also it is sufficiently capacious to carry the
occasional furniture item, as well as an excess of mulch, soil, and
other bulky items. Its
user interface is poorly thought out, but as a vehicle, it's been
reliable and I have no major complaints. It does have one problem
that is suffered by all vehicles, even the most luxurious and expensive.
Every year, it gets a year older.
Ford chose yesterday to mark this occasion by sending me
an "offer." No, not for an extended warranty. No, not a plea
to trade in my "old" car for a new one. No, not a free oil change
with every engine replacement. It was for a DVD navigation map
update. (I know I'm not very good at "suspense." I'll be
working on that.) The offer, dated 09 June 2010 and received on
the 17th, stated "The 2011 Ford Map Update is now available!" I am
only so credulous; if their map could predict the future, it would be a
lot more expensive than the $199 (+$9.99 shipping and handling) offering
price! But, sadly, it only predicts the past, since the map data
must be somewhat stale and the "2011" is less than fully accurate.
My initial reaction was to ignore the offer since the map DVD that came
with the car is only two years old and I have yet to be discommoded by
an inaccuracy or lacuna.
$199? + $9.99 For Shipping?
That was my second reaction. What is so special
about this DVD? Does it have an embedded sliver of platinum?
Are the data bits worth more than 1 or 0? No. Upon rereading
the offer, I convinced myself that it's just an ordinary disk, identical
except for the bits to the one originally supplied with the car
navigation system. Giving myself a reality check, I checked the
price of the competition. For example, Garmin charges only $189
for the same data. Except, somehow, they manage to include a
complete navigation system, 5-inch LCD, and GPS receiver for $10 less!
Why would anyone pay so much for just the DVD? Because, for the
same reason that [insert politically incorrect joke here], they have
to. Navteq (the navigation map creator) and Ford somehow
calculated that this is the proper price, even though the actual
marginal cost of the DVD is less than a dollar, and the entire product
could be supplied, including shipping, for less than a quarter of
their price of shipping alone.
A Fly on Ford's Wall
If I were a talking fly and somehow flew through a flaw
in the flue and found myself in the Ford marketing meeting, GPS
division, I would have made a suggestion:
Hey, Dudes! These DVDs cost you nothing.
Sure, you can sell a tiny handful for a fortune, or a big handful for a
few bucks each, but why not give them away? Instead of
sending the laughable offer you did, why not send me a letter telling me
that I can get a free DVD at my Ford dealer?
How much is a visit to a dealer worth in terms of
service, sales, customer "mindshare"? How much good will would a
free DVD generate for the Ford enterprise? I don't know, but it
certainly has to be a lot more than the rip-off suggested in the latest
Ford mailer.
The WikiReader
I stopped at BJ's last night to replenish the truffle
supply, and look what I found! Don't recognize it? It's
a dedicated
WikiPedia! They even offer web updates. Although the
manufacturer advertises it for $99, BJ's had boxes of them for
$59.99. I couldn't penetrate the plastic fortress
to scrutinize them closely, but they probably have a removable 8GB SDC card, so the price for the device itself is correspondingly
I didn't buy one although I was tempted to. The screen,
at least when turned off, looks pretty crappy, and I didn't see
any resolution specs. I'm going to try to find out more
about this. Here's one of the reviews on their web site:
Tiny Reader Puts Wikipedia In Your Pocket
When the zombie apocalypse hits, you’ll want
to have a copy of Wikipedia with you. And
you’ll want to make sure it works even if
the power is out, cellphone and internet
connections are nonexistent, and you’re
hunkered down in a remote cave. That way,
you’ll be able to consult the sum of all
human knowledge to figure out if that
mushroom you’re looking at is a healthy and
nutritious snack, or a fatally neurotoxic
Very close to
my take
on it! |
Between the paragraph ending "shipping alone" and the "A
Fly on Ford's Wall," well over a month elapsed. What was your
faithful blogger doing during all this time?
Not just considering a new material for building fallout
shelters, but destroying books to save them!
More later.
"Motherly Love"
The Mothers of Invention |
Some T-shirt forensics here: The legend
under Dionex reads: "The 39th Pittsburgh Conference &
Exposition, New Orleans 1988" If the Pittsburgh Conference
was in New Orleans, a city to which I've never been, it means
somebody attended the conference and brought me the shirt.
I'm easy when it comes to swag.