Time For A Cute Puppy

Q: How did Teddy the Cavalier King Charles
Spaniel end up on your big chair for hours?
A: Long story and I've been too wordy recently.
Q: Is Teddy as cute as
A: Of course not. Nothing is as cute as Samye.
Q: OK, then, is Teddy as cute as
A: I think it's a tie.
Q: Does your dog bite?
A: I don't have a dog. Photographs have great
advantages over the real thing.
Q: It seems that every time you interact
with an animal a picture ends up on this blog.
A: Was that a question? You haven't seen Ms. Freckleface Swooshfoot the cat yet. But then my "interaction" has
mostly been watching her run away, and that's only when I manage to see
her at all.
NP: "Memory Lain Hugh" - Caravan |