Recordings Available

Print out this form, and return with check* (sorry, no credit cards) made out to: Heather Wood, 444 West 54th St, #7, New York NY 10019

Artist / TitleNumberTypePriceQty Total
Poor Old Horse (Tom Gibney, David Jones, Heather Wood): The Curate's EggFolk Legacy CD-134CD$15.00  
Heather Wood: The Love that I have Chosen CD$15.00  
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition plus So Cheerfully Round  CD only$15.00  
The Young Tradition; Royston & Heather Wood: Galleries plus Chicken on a Raft plus most of No Relation  CD only$15.00  
Handling: $3.00 
Shipping @ $.50 per item$ 
New York State Residents please add Sales Tax$ 
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* All checks must be in U.S. dollars, drawn on a U.S. bank.

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